Sound in Intelligent Cars



The Brief

How can we use sound to enhance trust and reduce motion sickness in self-driving cars?

In 2015, Volvo Cars made an effort to enhance the sound design of our vehicles for a more pleasant experience. This project aims to take that idea further by exploring how sound can be used in a more functional manner in cars.

Could the use of continuous sound help passengers prepare for upcoming changes in direction, speed, and road conditions?

wires going into a synth

Continuous sounds are sounds that can be continuously varied through modulation. A common example are modular synths.


To understand the role that sound plays in users' daily commutes or memorable vacations, we conducted semi-structured interviews with them.

By using a whiteboard to have users draw their own journey, we identified their needs, perceptions, and the sounds they encountered during those journeys. Through thematic mapping, we identified common themes that guided our work throughout the project.

a whiteboard drwing of a car journey

A participant’s mapping of their vacation journey and the role of sound

We compiled these findings into an impact map, which allowed us to target specific user behaviors and set key performance indicators.

an Impact Map for the project

The final impact map for the project

We identified three behaviors based on their frequency in the data and their relevance to our brand. To address the needs of these behaviors, we developed design directions for each of them.

Direct and precise sounds for the mastering behaviour

Calm tunnel for the worker who wants to zone out

Emergent sounds for the cautious who want to be informed without being overwhelmed


We structured the interaction design around intentional sounds that conveyed the car's upcoming actions and perceptual sounds that indicated what the car was sensing on the road. Low-fidelity prototyping was used to quickly determine which car signals would trigger sounds. We tested and refined the design through driving experiments, collecting both qualitative and quantitative data to inform further iterations

workshop in sound studio

Lo-fi prototyping session with toy cars

In order to assess the design, we initially built a prototype in Unity and used VR to test the user experience. This was a convenient way to make fast revisions and gather user feedback. When we were happy with the results we built a prototype in a car and tested on a test-track to verify the findings

car interior from unity driving simulator

The simulation in Unity

test participant sitting with vr glasses during a test session

A participant during a test session


We published four scientific articles on the subjects of motion sickness, trust in autonomous driving, and virtual reality study methodology as a result of our research. These discoveries have also informed the introduction of new technologies at Volvo Cars to increase trust and minimize motion sickness.
rendered cars driving on a highway
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